Tuesday 10 January 2017

Rank –Bonuses – Besides your commission – SwissCoin

PEARL - Rank-Bonus 100,- €
RUBY  - Rank-Bonus 500,- €
EMERALD - Rank-Bonus 1000,- €
DIAMOND - Rank-Bonus  2000,- €
BLUE DIAMOND - Rank-Bonus  5000,- €
RED DIAMOND -  Rank-Bonus  100 000,- €
BLACK DIAMOND - Rank-Bonus  200 000,- €
DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND -  Rank-Bonus  1000 000,- €
TOTAL in Rank Bonuses – 1308 600 ,- €

BLACK DIAMOND Status -PIN, certificate, award, 250.000, - € House in a location of your choice, or 200,000, - € Rank bonus, 6 shares in the Diamond Pool

DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND PIN, certificate, award, 500.000, - € House in a location of your choice, or 400,000, - € bonus, in addition 1,000,000, - € Rank bonus, 7 shares in the Diamond Pool

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